双语诗界│清明 ‖ 总第二期(上)
主持人:任诚刚 秦志良
书 法:蔡铁勇 编者的话 诗词应写译并行,为鼓励原创双语诗词,自2019年春节期间推出过一期【自创自译双语诗“冬”】;又于2019年3月19日由中诗网策划,并推出双语诗界第一期“雪” 。在中诗网的支持和鼓励下,作、译者也得到了学习和创作的机会,以及创作和翻译水平得到了提高。值清明时节来临之际,想必各位诗友在这特殊的节日里对亲人的思念之情会油然而生,一定会激发出创作灵感,现特别将征集到的第二期【双语诗界“清明”】发布于此 。此次收集到了28位作、译者的投稿,其中魏红霞副教授投来了清明上坟的整个仪式,然后,她以诗歌的形式呈现;投稿参与者岁数最大的有八十余岁,最小十九岁。感谢西南科技大学外国语学院教师吴天骄老师,在她的亲自指导下有十四位该校的大学二年级学生参与了这次“清明”诗的创作及翻译。经过精心挑选我们选取了24位作、译者的稿件;有的一人多首也压缩为最多两首。我们希望今后对年轻人要有更加系统的诗歌翻译训练,让他们逐渐在诗坛显现青春活力。再者,由于策划编辑双语诗界主持人及编辑经验不足、时间仓促、谬误在所难免,还望各诗友、译家提出宝贵意见,为我们今后搞出像样的、品味接近高雅的栏目来作出努力。现特将此次收集整理的24位作、译者的27首作品推出,以飨读者。 01 清明寄怀
程家惠 祖母 祖父 故亲啊 又是清明季 奈何阴阳不同世 蜂群嗡嗡不知落花意 且让那《丁香花》的诉泣 把尘封已久的岁月泡在泪水里 在那阵阵清香的回忆里轻轻地漂洗 Qingming CHENG Jiahui Grandma Grandpa All beloved gone Qingming comes along To different worlds now we belong fallen flowers ignored by bees in throng Just let the endless weeps of “Lilac” the song In the silent memory with fragrance not strong Rinse gently in tears the days sealed in dust too long [诗人简介]
程家惠,男,1962年生,中国广西百色市人。右江民族医学院英语教授,主持中国教育部人文社会科学一般项目《梁宗岱诗作英译研究》的研究,其中一些诗译已在美国《胜过星巴克诗歌杂志》不定期发表。译著《中国经典古诗词精选100首英译》已由美国学术出版社出版。另有诗译散见《中诗网》、《中国作家网》和《中国文化译研网》等 。 02 Tomb-Sweeping Day
(sonnet) JOHN ZYZ The eastern wind has brought the land the warm; The snow and ice have yet all thawed away. There came another spring without the storm; In trice there's coming ourTomb-Sweeping Day. This day I miss my parents very much; They died of cancer sorely in their prime. For aye I'll bear in mind a bad year such; So far they've left me for a long, long time. I live abroad too hard to sweep their tombs; I'll hold a solemn party for them then. And offer parents worship with fresh blooms; I think of what my dad told me again: The proud will lose while modest one will gain; In group of three you find a teacher then. 清 明 节 十四行诗 赵宜忠 东风送春暖, 雪化冰已消。 春无暴雨寒, 清明转瞬到。 佳节倍思亲, 父母壮年走。 倒霉年驻心, 弃吾时间久。 异国扫墓难, 祭奠仪式筹。 鲜花祭奠献, 忆父遗言留。 满损谦受益, 三人有吾师。 [诗人简介]
赵宜忠, 男,笔名 约翰。曾任邯郸市外办副主任,市译协副主席,曾任美国L&A水处理公司总代表的首席翻译,现居捷克首都布拉格。喜欢翻译古诗,曾译古诗五百余首,多首莎翁等诗篇以及多篇现代诗歌,如阿紫的《翻阅阳光》《锦绣》闰龙的《我是雪花》,叶舟的《祖国在上》,玉扣子出版的《我住在鼹鼠的故乡》的英文翻译等。
03 清明上坟有感 任诚刚 (一) 去年清明雨滂沱, 登山踩泥累腿拖。 借问何处把雨躲? 路人遥指松林坡。 (二) 今年清明人车多, 行人乘客吟哀歌。 还愁何处把车泊, 谁奈交警罚单何? 注: 此诗作于2016年清明节。 On the Mourning Day REN Chenggang 1 It rained heavily on last Tomb-sweeping Day, We staggered to the mountain on the muddy way. “Where can we shelter from the rain with hope?” A passer-by pointed to the distant pine tree slope. 2 The road is congested on this Mourning Day, People sing sad song to mountain on the way. I keep asking“Where can I find a parking lot? ” For the police's ticket might make me worried a lot. Note: 1. The poem was composed on the Mourning Day 2016, whereas the English translation edited prior to the Mourning Day 2019. [诗人简介] 任诚刚,男,云南农业大学外语学院英语教授;云南大学滇池学院客座教授。主要从事MTI硕士研究生文学翻译及英语专业翻译理论与实践课程教学。系中华(传统)诗词学会会员、云南省翻译工作者协会理事。入选中国当代诗词精品大系:《中华当代绝句精选》(1998)、《中华当代律诗精选》(1999)、及《中华当代词综》(2000)。
04 西江月 清明 蘭若 橋邊柳綠新芽, 畦上白芷新發。 昨夜疏雨落桃花, 淺草濕了新袜。
新墳又添三家, 新酺再繞三匝。 眼前春色徒嗟呀, 夢中人在天涯。 West River Moon Mourning Day Aranya
Beside the bridge are the new willow sprouts, On the boarder are the new angelica roots. The rain last night blew away the peach blossoms, The shallow grass wet my new socks.
There I see three new tombs, Let me serve you again my newly-made wines. Alas! Without you in my life, my dear, The spring in my eyes is so grievous. [诗人简介] 05 On Tomb-sweeping Day, 2017
There is a home I can't go back to... There is a childhood I have left behind... What is the distance Between here and there... Here I am, outside; There you are, inside...
2017年清明 李红雨 有一个家, 我再也回不去了…… 有一个童年, 我已经抛在身后…… 从这里到那里, 有着怎样的距离…… 我站在外面这里; 而你们在里面那里……
On Tomb-sweeping Day, 2018 Li Hongyu This year I cannot sweep my parents' tomb, But I think of them as a daughter should... Through them I came to this alien planet; The first inkling of life I had from them.
Fate prepared you a wretched life together; Forgive me if I was not the best daughter… But in my way I do miss you both much Who gave me a home where I grew up...
2018年清明 李红雨
今年我不能回去为父母扫墓, 但是作为女儿还是想念他们…… 通过他们我来到这个陌生星球; 通过他们我第一次了解了生活……
命运为你们预备了悲惨的际遇; 原谅我如果我不是最好的女儿…… 但是我用我的方式想念着你们 是你们让我在那个家里长大了…… [诗人简介] 李红雨,女, 四川外国语大学副教授,英美文学专业硕士。曾在学术期刊上发表学术论文数篇,在英国拉夫堡大学英语系访学一年。翻译过25万字的传记一本,画册一本。另外也创作英语诗歌和随笔。
06 清明踏青绝句二首 Eight Cut Verses about Excursions in Qingming
清明踏青图 (平水四支) 程永生 清明绽放百花时,紫绿橙黄乱上枝。 少女踏青争斗艳,俊男竞采浪吟诗。 (2019年3月30日)
A Picturesque Excursion in Qingming CHENG Yongsheng
In Qingming, oh, hundreds of flowers are open wide, Purple, green, orange and yellow will climb the tree. With beauty, young girls strive to show, as you can see, Boys recite poems in contest of rolling tide, (Translated on 30/03/2019)
故乡的清明 (平水七阳) 程永生
油菜田园别样黄,桃花闹处是家乡。 痴情细润清明雨,隔岸和风送酒香。 (2019年3月26日)
Qingming in My Hometown CHENG Yongsheng Oil rapes turn the field completely yellow, Among crazy peach flowers lies my hometown. In Qingming, love-sick drizzles shed moist down, From that bank, breeze sends wine taste to fellow. (Translated on 30/03/2019)
[诗人简介] 程永生,安徽潜山人,安徽理工大学教授,北京吉利学院教授,安徽省文史研究馆馆员,近体诗爱好者,著有《英汉对照律诗绝句二百首》。
07 清明节悼父 (新韵律) 丁后银
恸父瘫坟地, 非风泪自滴; 清明节聚泣, 父子未分离。
Mourning Dad on Tomb-sweeping Day DING Houyin
The day I swept Before Dad’s tomb In which he slept As his own room Has seen mourning Deafen his ears On this morning With mists of tears
[诗人简介] 丁后银,(1966-)男,江苏 宿迁,江苏省宿迁学院副教授,学士,宿迁学院翻译研究中心主任;研究方向:翻译理论与实践。 08 遥远的祭奠
农朴 其实,女儿在母腹里 就听到一声凄厉的枪响 -----日寇罪恶的子弹 使父亲长眠于缅滇边境 那管石碑是永不倒毙的胸膛 是一副注视人间的微笑 封闭的墓门没有封闭夙愿 常与扫墓的彝族老人对语 考察战争历史的目光突然发潮 墓碑的刻字沉默了七十多年 穿过时光的隧道 [诗人简介]
电波触动了女儿的心颤 梦里来去是昨天的故事 女儿终于找到父亲的归宿 她带着白发梳理的泪痕 千里迢迢来吻父亲冰冷的额 她带来父亲倾慕的陕北皮影 连同家乡民歌啄透的亲情 让香火烘干滇边的潮湿 为自己找到一方倾诉悲愤的位置 In fact, my daughter is in the mother's womb I heard a stern shot -----The sinful bullets Keep his father in the border with Myanmar The tube stone is a chest that never goes down. Is a smile that looks at the world Closed tomb door is not closed Often talking to the old Yi people who sweep the grave Looking at the history of war, the sudden gaze The lettering of the tombstone has been silent for more than seventy years. Tunnel through time The electric wave touched the daughter's tremor Dreams come and go are the story of yesterday. The daughter finally found her father's destination. She has a white hair combing tears Thousands of miles to kiss my father's cold amount She brought the shadow of the Northern Shaanxi shadow that my father admired. Affliction with the hometown folk songs Let the incense dry and damp the wet side Find yourself a place to talk to grief 农朴,原名宋永基,男,1938年生于山东泗水,从事多年教育、文化工作,1959年在省刊《群众艺术》发表诗作后,曾在全国各报刊发表小说、诗歌、曲艺等作品80多件,获全国、省、市各类奖项50多个。1998年退休,后参与文化遗产挖掘工作。出版诗集、散文小说集、歌词集、楹联集以及本县历史文化丛书多部。爱好写诗,以诗为藉,颐养晚年。 09 清明咏春 [诗人简介]
杨玉茹 青山脚下几亩田,老翁荷锄忙似闲。 春风拂柳不解意,笑画心中桃李甜。 To Spring on Qingming YANG Yuru Acres of field are there at the foot of a green hill. An old man laboring is leisurely busy holding a hoe. Not knowing his heart the spring wind blows the willow. He imagines the sweet peaches and plums with smile. 杨玉茹,女,山东临沂人,现为中国民航大学外国语学院英语教师,研究方向为英美文学与比较文学。主讲课程:《中国文化概览(英语)》、《中西诗歌比较》。热爱诗歌创作,部分诗歌作品已在多家刊物发表。 10 念奴娇•清明思亲 【诗人简介】
姚阳春 春风吹, 杨花放, 又到一年清明时, 欲托家燕传思语。 芳草萋萋四月天, 庭院空空亲人去。 何处话思念? The Charm of a Maiden Singer Miss my grandparents in Tomb-Sweeping Day YAO Yangchun Spring breeze blows, Poplar flower blooms, Tomb-Sweeping Day comes again, I want to ask swallow to pass my yearn. In April green grass grows fast and thick, Beloved grandparents were gone only courtyard left here. How and where should I convey my miss? 姚阳春,笔名巴雪 ,女,籍贯河南,云南农业大学翻译硕士在读研究生,古诗词爱好者,现在上海签证申请中心做英语翻译,兴趣爱好:文学翻译。 11 【诗人简介】
清明祭 孟朝岗 垂杨甩发扫清明, 阡陌寂寥野草生。 荒塚顶端插嫩柳, 青烟一缕寄魂萦。 Sacrifice for Qingming Day MENG Chaogang On Qingming Day, willows like horsetail sweep, Field paths and ridges covered with weeds sleep. Waste tomb is stuck in with branch o'willow, A wisp o'smoke rises to haunt as sorrow. 孟朝岗,男,毕业于河北师大英语系。北京某科技职业学院副教授。喜欢诗词,尤其喜欢古典诗词,最近尝试汉英互译,作品散见于各网络诗刊。 12 清明节偶感 【诗人简介】
吴伟雄 清明祭祖好传承, 扫墓思亲又踏青。 昔日烧香燃蜡炬, 今朝献花同是情。 Sudden Sense on the Mourning Day WU Weixiong Ancestor worship on Mourning Day’s a tradition, To sweep their tombs is to miss them, going outing. While People did so by incense and candles burning, Now offering flowers shows the same indiction. 吴伟雄,男,英语译审。中译协四、五届理事,资深翻译家。从事地市外事管理、翻译工作后,曾任北理工珠海学院外院教授。发文翻译核心刊物16篇,出书5本。2005年在中译协和桂林市“桂林山水甲天下”国际译文征集中摘冠。 13 清明
魏红霞 折下新绿的柳枝 正方形的彩纸,剪成幡的样子,挂在柳枝头 插在坟上 有三排铜钱形状的模子,用锤子敲着 在黄草纸上留下印迹,烧给已故亲戚 上坟的人,按长幼顺序念叨他们的称呼 同时说:“请来收钱了” 再单独烧一些纸钱,给那些没人祭奠的 最后放爆竹,其实是通知 已故亲戚快来收钱 这样的仪式多年重复,失去了最初的悲痛 可是每年刚故去的亲人 依然让人唏嘘不已 清明祭奠故人时 泪如泉涌化雨湿 Tomb-Sweeping Day WEI Hongxia Willow branches with newly-grown leaves are broken off Colored square-shape paper is cut into the shape of the band of mourning, hung on the top of the branches of willow, And thrust into the top of the tombs A mold with the shape of three rows of copper coins, is struck with a hammer So that prints are left on the yellow coarse paper, which is burned for the deceased relatives The persons who visit the tombs to cherish the memory of the dead, repeat the forms of address of the deceased in order from the firstborn to the youngest And say: “Please collect your money”at the same time Then, some fake money is burned alone for those with no relatives to pay tribute At last firecrackers are set, which in fact means informing the deceased relatives That they should collect their money as soon as possible The ceremony is repeated for many years, and the persons have lost their original grief But the relatives who have just recently passed away each year Can still make the living prostrate with grief When men offer a sacrifice to the deceased on Tomb-Sweeping Day, Tears well up in their eyes, and turned into the rain wetting the way. 【诗人简介】
魏红霞,女, 毕业于安徽和南京师范大学外国语学院,南京大学和英国利物浦大学访问学者,安徽工程大学外国语学院副教授,中西文化设计和MTI硕导。酷爱诗歌和翻译,发表关于翻译的文章四篇,1999年曾在《英语沙龙》上发表双语诗歌《写在毕业纪念册上的话》。 主办:中诗网、译诗群 总策划:周占林、宛城卧龙 本期编辑:黄金珠 |
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